FEAR Is A Good Thing!

Did you know that FEAR in it’s purest form is a good thing?

It seriously is. The skin that you are in, your vessel or body, however you would like to refer to it as, is built with natural receptors of what we call and understand to be sensory. It automatically does things by itself that you would be able to notice if you were truly in tune with self.

The key is that you have to be in tune with yourself. It warns you of unsafe things that are around you, or alerts you to be aware of things that are around, and depending on your environment it turns up certain aspects of your body to be more alert in certain situations.
Some people don’t understand this because they just play it down as a feeling of some sort. Then they don’t act appropriately when they need to. Crazily, it’s not just a thing that is in humans, but rather it is in all living energies. Animals, plants, anything that takes the understanding of the process that we call protection.
As we study it as humans, we call it our fight or flight indicators. We know when we are going to run, or when we are going to stand our ground and fight.
Now as I already stated, the key is that you are in tune with yourself for this to be something of your control, verses something that you can not control. This is where our issue lies. There are too many of us that are not in tune with ourselves, which causes the manipulation of this sensory. It is not safe for anyone when you are manipulated of your natural sensors. So instead of you having control, you become controlled. That deep control of this sensor lies within the control of your psychological thought.
Sometimes it is not smart to watch some things over and over, or to teach some things over and over, if the person being taught is not in tune with their sensory. This causes them to act in the manner that they are trained to act.
For example; a cop that is not in control of this sensory, is going to shoot you first every time. Those with full knowledge of this sensory and that are truly in tune with self, understand this. It isn’t the fear that is the bad thing, but rather the manipulation and control of the fear that causes the same action no matter what person that you put in the situation that is not in tune with self. The test have been done, but the results will never be released. Instead your ignorance to it, will leave you still in the place of control from the manipulation of your knowledge.
It isn’t just what you know that controls you, but rather it’s a mixture of both. The information that is given to you for you to know, while also withholding the information that we don’t want you to know. They are so good that they do the magic trick right in front of you. You know it exists, but you also know that there are some things that are classified.
So understand this. Fear is not a bad thing, it is just merely a thing. Just be mindful that there are many that are manipulated of their fear, while few are in tune with self.
How do you tell the difference? That’s easy. Just watch them. If their choice is to avoid the full story or keep you blind to the existence of something vital and important, or to encourage the silence of speaking on any situation, it is only to manipulate you in your thinking, while they have already been manipulated themselves. Watch out for them, for fear has controlled them in their thoughts and actions.
Now if you ever find someone that will tell you the full truth of the things that exist, while showing and teaching you things about yourself that you didn’t know, they are not trying to manipulate your fear. They are wanting you to now everything so that you can make the decision to control your sensory. The control is not in your ignorance of things, but rather it is in the knowledge of those things completely. It is only in that state that the choice is completely yours.

Don’t you want to get out tonight in Nashville. Come out to the event Jazz With DAD’s and enjoy yourself.

Jazz With DAD’s


Event Details: Happening Saturday, December 7, 2019 starting at 7pm Central standard time. Come out and enjoy a night of Live Music, Live Art, Live Spoken Word, & Live Entertainment all happening inside of the the historic ELKS LODGE in Nashville Tennessee on the historic Jefferson Street. Come out and be a part of an event established to make change in the communities of Nashville Tennessee.

Who Is Performing: You have live music performances by Tremaine Arte’Mis and Cojo Ko. Live Art that will be up for auction and sale by the one and only Crystal Brown. Live Spoken Word Performances by Frank “Frizzy” Sykes, B.A. the Lewe, Spoke N-Words, & Teejay the Protege. This will be a night to remember, and a must that you are a part of in some type of way, whether it be with your physical presence with ticket purchase, or your donation to assist in the efforts of DAD’s.

What Does This Event Help Fund:

This event is to help acquire funding for the nonprofit organization known as DADs. With your purchase of a ticket to this event, you help with the funding of this nonprofit organization to do the things that it does in the community. This organization is taking a hands on approach to deal with the toughest things in the community that is causing destruction. Hence the name DADs which is the acronym for Dads Against Destruction. Here clearly for the purpose of dealing with the things that are setup for a community’s destruction, as well as to deal with the people that are causing the destruction. It’s an all gas no brakes approach to get to the repair of a community while using creativity in the arts to do just that. Dad’s Against Destruction takes the opportunity to partner up with FRIZZY PRODUCTIONS to make the moves that need to be made as creative as it can be done. Join us in the efforts to make this happen. We Thank You Now, already knowing that you are in on the things that need to happen in our communities for a better outcome for us all. We appreciate any and all support.

Ways to Support DAD’s:

Choose a support option below by clicking or touching your selection:

Sometimes due to many reason’s you may not be able to make it to the event to provide the support needed to make things happen. Don’t let that be your reason to not support the happening. Your donation of whatever amount is just as important as another. Please if you have it, click the link above and make the donation to support the organization that is destined to make the needed community impact. You don’t have to be here to be recognized for your contributions.


For more information about the event, check out DAD’s or check out the event page Jazz With DAD’s on Facebook.

Music: “Sit Back” by Cornelius Johnson C-Jazz

We will be in the building providing you your entertainment for the night. We can’t wait to entertain you!

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This is creative marketing done by FRIZZY PRODUCTIONS.

History In The Making!

Often times we don’t pay attention to the things that we are doing in life. We just act and make things happen without taking to the time to acknowledge the things that we are doing. For instance, let’s take a look at this event right here.

This event came into existence on October 20, 2018 founded and curated by a lady by the name of Vicky Love. Not attempting to make history she actually did, and didn’t even realize it. Hosting the very first art crawl on the well known street in Memphis Tennessee.

It’s the Beale Street Artcrawl. An event that Vicky Love and her non-profit organization Dear Music launched wanting to do the things that she felt would boost the arts community. Not thinking about what it was that she was doing, but more so engaging in making opportunities exist for those in the arts community. What was the outcome of this decision. Well let’s just understand it to be a successful event that brought thousands out to see and enjoy the art that was lined up down the famous Beale Street.

Sometimes it takes a moment for things to sink in, especially since the intention was never to put a moment in history, but to provide a platform for the arts community. That she has done. Receiving a message before the event was over to start planning the next one. The very first Beale Street Artcrawl. A moment in history.

But she is not done yet. Take a look. Coming up on March 3, 2019 the Beale Street Artcrawl goes indoors at The Orpheum Theatre. Bringing in over 50 vendors of the arts for an indoor event that you don’t want to miss, and would you know! It is the first time that the Orpheum is taking on this type of event inside of their facility. History in the making, all over again.

“In photo Frank “Frizzy” Sykes and Vicky Love”

So come out and enjoy this amazing moment, and if you are one who loves the arts, explore what these amazing artist have to show you. If you happen to see Vicky while you are there, make sure you tell her; “You Go Girl!”

To all those that are art collectors and want to see the creations that are out here in the world go online to Ticket Master and get your tickets to the Beale Street Artcrawl at the Orpheum Theatre.

Want to see what it looks like to make those moves to making it happen? Well take a look at this live that she was just able to put up before going on air to talk about this upcoming event. This is going to be amazing! See you at the artcrawl.

Watch Vicky Love’s live by clicking here!

Let’s make history!

For more information on the Beale Street Artcrawl go to BealeStreetArtCrawl.com or search the hashtag #BSAC or #BealeStreetArtCrawl

Beale Street Art Crawl at The Orpheum Theatre

Were you aware of this amazing event happening in Memphis Tennessee?

In a time where artist are starving Dear Music has collaborated with The Orpheum Theatre to put on an amazing event with the arts.

This is the opportunity for Artist to take advantage of a platform that is there to present their art to the world. This is an indoor art crawl like no other. With over 50+ Artist and their amazing works being put on display for your enjoyment, and if you are one who is a collector of the arts, your ability to collect some of the finest pieces.

Below you will see some of the examples of what to expect  at this event happening March 3, 2019 at 1pm inside of The Orpheum Theatre. For tickets to this event click here or go to Ticket Master and search Beale Street Art Crawl to see what will be happening at this event.

If you are an artist wanting to participate in this art crawl go online to Beale Street Art Crawl and complete the application process and payment.

For more information go follow the event on Facebook and Instagram. Follow the hashtag #BealeStreetArtCrawl #BSAC2019

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Guilty Until Proven Innocent!

“I thought we made it past this way of thinking before….”

Just when you think that you have made it to a better point in life, something like this comes along and shows you that one of two things have happened. Either you made it out of this part and decided to go back, or you never really left out of this part of life, it just seemed for the moment that you did. Either way the fact still remains that we are here, in the same place that we have been before, spinning our wheels and gaining no ground due to a system keeping its’ cycle in full effect, and so many don’t even see it. I hash tag to you (#SurvivingRKelly).

Time has come again, to where yet another person of fame has been thrown to the wolves of the ignorant. Leaving their judgement in the hands of those who emotionally have no control. Those who allow their flaw of being human, filled with emotions and feelings, to carry them off into a state of mind that is totally unjust. Allowing the things that they have seen with there flawed eyes, and heard with their flawed ears, to be the thing to push them over into an unrighteous judgement, as it was suppose to do in the first place. The test has been performed many times to see how many would fall victim to choosing wrongly over, and over again, based on information that they were fed. It is true that if I give you everything that I want you to know, and you don’t do any research beyond that thing that has been giving to you, whether it be because you are lazy and don’t want to do the work or that you just don’t have the time in your busy life to do the investigation, that you would make the decision that I need you to make.

This is the thing best known as media control. When they feed you information in whatever form that they want to feed you, ignorantly you eat it up. You claim to be conscious but you are fully asleep. Flexing and bending in the direction that they need you to bend in effort for them to have full control of you. I’m aware that many of you as you read this will immediately have doubts about any of this in which I am speaking, but I’m already aware of why that doubt exist. They even gave that to you. You’ll believe that you have free will, but will not have a clue about what free will actually is. Now, I’m not really saying this to be offensive to you, but rather to show you truth. And no, I’m not worried about your feelings because I already know that they are in a particular place that I would probably have to hold you down from your rage, which depends on situations that you may have been in, in your own life. I sympathize with you if this is you, but even still I can not allow you to take that anger out on everyone that they tell you to take it out on. That would be me allowing you to be weak when I need you to be strong.

Nevertheless, here we are. In yet another situation to where the opinion of the public proves that we will forever keep setting up a system of being guilty until proven innocent while pretending that they are innocent until proven guilty. Arresting and detaining a man based off of allegations instead of finding out facts to hold them accountable to. We to often forget that man attempted to be smart enough to put something in place called Lady Justice, and put a blindfold over her eyes so that she could not be judgemental of the things that she would see, but for some odd reason she just keeps peeking from underneath that blindfold and treating people unfairly. Or maybe it’s because we should have plugged her ears with something until the time was near for her to listen to the things that were resurrected as fact. Truth be told, if any judge sitting on any bench listens to the things in which the people are acting out of emotion from, that judge needs to remove themselves from the case because at that point their judgement is bias.

We as people forget that we have decided to put a person in place that is suppose to be responsible for our judgement as a whole. A person that is bias and sitting there, not only listening but also watching the people as they testify to questions asked. A person that is suppose to not only judge the answer that is given, but the way the answer is given. Watching every emotion from the person testifying to validate their response of sworn truth that is expelled out of this person’s mouth, and have the intent of holding a person who attempts to manipulate the court under any circumstances to the charge of perjury when caught in a lie. This is suppose to be the entire purpose of the judge. The power that sits in a court and represents justice for the people, but it seems that the people don’t need the judge any longer, for we have made it our responsibility to be the decision maker.

Since you are a people feeling the way that you do, than why not just admit the fact that you feel this way and say that you don’t have any faith in a justice system any longer. Say that the media has played on your emotions long enough that you rather side with the media than to try to find out any truth within any given situation. Say that you have no control of the way that you respond due to situations that you yourself have been in and that because you have been in that situation you feel this way about it. Label yourself of why you drift in a certain direction based off of the things that you have been exposed to in your environment.

Be bold enough to state that you don’t have faith in the justice system and that you don’t have this faith for whatever your reasoning is, and if you need someone to show you how to do this allow me to be the example. I don’t have faith in the justice system. It’s not because of the media pull though. It’s actually because I worked in the justice system. I can tell you that the media, has always been wrong. -Frizzy

A Frizzy Advertisement:

Need An Attorney?

For those that are like me and need to have access to attorneys who know and understand this system and the game that is being played, fill out the form that is on my home page and let me get back to you to provide you with the access to attorneys for only $24.95 a month. Actually I’ll do you one better. Fill out the form below and I will give you a call withing 24 hours or just click sign up now. Don’t allow these emotional people be the reason that you are in jail. Click Sign Up Now!

Things A Man Can’t Do In This Environment.

Before I begin, allow me to make this clear statement about this blog. It is very sad that this is where we are in life. We do not understand our flaw of emotion enough to control ourselves, that we have ended up here. This blog is very sad, but it has it’s purpose that you need to hear and understand. The sad thing is that even in it’s existence, I already know that it still will have it’s push back, because I understand you, more than you do.

I have to write and acknowledge that in this environment, that a man can’t love a child. This control of things that scroll across a TV screen has gotten out of control. People pretend to not act out of emotion while doing just that, acting out of emotion. We fail to realize the very moment that we are impacted by something the very instance that it is heard. It’s that punch that has an impact to you like not other punch, and physically, no one has touched you at all. But that is the danger of the emotions. It is what puts chaos in motion, and once chaos starts moving anything in it’s path becomes destructed. As the R. Kelly situation comes back to light I am reminded yet again that as a man there are somethings that you can not do in this environment. I’ve had no children and in the moment do not want to bring any into this chaos. But unfortunately there are things that are out of my control, such as siblings that have their children which makes me an uncle. What’s more crazy is that I have 6 sisters and I am the only boy from my mother. So now you should see the craziness of off springs that are around me. Allow me to count. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Ten nieces and nephews and 1 great niece which totals out to 11 potential existences of issues. The odds are against me. 11 to 1. This doesn’t even count the amazing beings that I impact on a daily basis through the things that I do within the community. So now you should really see how the odds are stacked up against me as a man.

My truth is that I love them dearly, but I avoid every moment that I can with them, not because I want to. But because this environment has created a danger for me to allow the opportunity to even exist. It isn’t the actual offense that is my danger any longer. It’s the actual existence of time in space that will allow the opportunity for the event to exist. You all will persecute me on that alone. The simple time in space! How do I know that. Well lets just say that in my last 11 years in law enforcement, you have shown me a justice system that has hung just as many innocent people, as it has guilty, if not more. Some of you reading this will begin to better understand why I walked away from it on October 15, 2018. I could not any longer help hurt, the people that I was suppose to be protecting.

I watched a system not created by us sentence us to a death like no other. I saved lives of the incarcerated just so that they could suffer here longer. It is not death that is a bad thing. It is living life dead that becomes a torture like no other. Hell has nothing on what we are doing to ourselves in this space and time. The crazy thing is that the more that we do something, the more comfortable it is that we get with doing it. We become numb and don’t even realize that it is something that we are doing. We just do it, and then a shoe company jumps up all in our face and we loose our minds. We are fully asleep.

But allow me to get back on task because I’m starting to allow my frustrations to take me into a place that I need not go, because I don’t blame you. I blame the environment.

So understand that in this environment a man can not love a child correctly, and what ends up happening down the road are the things that have already happened to someone once before. This danger creates a space of distance that no child should ever feel. Even in it’s best cover up energy is transmitted between us and some of you don’t even understand how that is happening. You have a sense that you have not been trained or taught, and because of that you don’t have control of it. You allow it to be used against you. You allow the things that are within your control to be controlled by outside energies and the ending effect is a damaged environment. When you don’t know who you are, all you can become is what they tell you to be, and the further we are pulled away from each other, the more you forget who you are. Which allows them the opportunity to tell you who you are going to be. Facts of a lost people.

So, in the now my answer is no. Until we wake up as a people and stop allowing them to dictate and pull our strings my answer is no. I can’t be the fool to allow you to stay where you are and continue to hang us because they pull your string and tell you to hang us, my answer is no. No I can’t watch my nieces and nephew while you run to the store, no I can’t hold them while you go to the bathroom, no I can’t let you do anything that allows any space in time for the opportunity to exist, even when I know in truth that it will never happen. My answer is no.

If you were to ask me, if I felt that in saying no, that I would be showing them love….. My answer to that question would clearly be no! But that’s the environment that we are allowing to exist, and that child is going to feel it. They are going to feel that detachment and have no understanding of an unfilled void because we are not Queen and King enough to stand up to it. We are on a path of self destruction and have been on that path for some time now. The conscious are aware of this. The ignorant can’t do nothing about it. and the Gods of this system, just sit and watch the sand slowly run out as time comes to an end.

Want to hear a poem that was written, performed, and published by Frizzy. Download the poem below for $1.00

A spoken word piece written creatively to explain why I would choose to get rid of emotions. The human flaw that is killing us.

Available to add to your cart in the Menu section of this website.








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My Purpose, My Drive, My Fight Against Ignorance

“I look out into a world of those who don’t know, just to understand my mission to make them know.”

I fought against a person this week that made the statement that they were not ignorant, but then followed that statement saying, “I’m not stupid.” They didn’t even realize the ignorance that was in the statement that they had just made, from the lack of understanding the difference between ignorance and stupidity. So if you would, allow me to break down the difference between ignorance and stupidity so that you can better understand how ignorant this person really is.
Let’s start with stupidity. Stupidity is reached when a person has received all of the information that they need to have about a certain matter. Accepted that information for its truth or existence. But still decides to go against the grain as if the thing of existence that was proven will not be there. For instance, there is a wall that is right in front of you. This wall is a solid surface that will not move with the amount of force that you can make with the muscle within your body. To run into this wall would hurt and could possibly cause injury. Now with that information given to you, you now have all the information that you need to know at the time to make the appropriate decision about you and that wall. Even if you lost one of your senses like sight or sound, you still have received the knowledge of its existence to make the decision that you need to make to avoid the collision that is set up in front of you. It is at this point that if you decide to run full speed straight into that wall that you fall in the category of stupid. You would have no one to blame but yourself.


Hi! My name is Frank “Frizzy” Sykes and I am a independent Legal Shield Associate.
I would love to speak to you and share why I feel you need to have access to an attorney at all times.
It is my mission to protect your ignorance.
Fill out the form below and I will contact you back withing 24 to 48 hours to assist you.

Now ignorance works differently. For some odd reason, it seems, that some think that we are born into this life with knowledge. It is the total opposite though. You are born into this life completely ignorant. To argue the fact that you are not is the proof in itself that you are ignorant. You don’t have a clue of anything as a child and everything that you learn is something that you have been taught. Some may ask questions about certain things already, so let me just say it once again. Everything in this life that you have knowledge of, is because something taught you, not because you already knew it. Ways that you learn things can happen many different ways, and I will not debate that happening. But you still have to accept the fact of when using the word learned, that there was something that taught you. Trust me, I have already had the argument about, how is it that you know to eat as a baby. You learn that also. The ignorant just overlook the teaching process in doing that. So to go back to the wall situation that I used in stupidity. If you were ignorant of the walls existence, meaning that you had no knowledge of the wall being there at all, you didn’t see it, no one told you about it, you are blind and hard of hearing that you didn’t hear the person yell watch out! Then this would fall in the category of ignorance. This is not your fault because you had no way of knowing. At this level you would be ignorant. This should not be something that we should be offended by, but we should understand is within the happening of our existence. We are ignorant.
Minds have known this for some time now, and have creatively in law coined the phrase, “Ignorance of the law is no excuse.” Meaning just because you didn’t know it was there doesn’t mean that you can’t be punished by it. Actually it sets the precedence that even though you didn’t know it was there and are completely ignorant of its existence you still will be prosecuted as if you had full knowledge of it. It’s funny how your own ignorance in this system can be used against us. For instance, let’s look at a law that you didn’t even know existed.
Document: Tenn. Code Ann. § 8-8-205
8-8-205. Acting as attorney or security prohibited — Attorney as deputy.
(a) No sheriff or deputy sheriff shall appear in any court as attorney or counsel for any party, nor become security for any party in any civil suit or criminal proceeding.

Here is the link if you want to look at it yourself: Tennessee Code Annotated Title 8, Chapter 8, Part 2, 8-8-205

One thing that I want you to know is that when my friends asked me to go to court with them, my answer would clearly be….. (Well, let’s just understand that I was a deputy sheriff.)

Now what you should understand is happening is some of you are now becoming of knowledge to something that you were ignorant of. But what you have to understand is that while you are no longer ignorant to this law, there are still so many that don’t have a clue of its existence and even more that are being born at this very moment that might not even have the opportunity to get to know it. That is just how ignorance works. When you do not have the knowledge to know, or even worse, don’t have the energy transmitted to even make you search for what you don’t know. Then you are completely ignorant of the fact that it exist.

Ignorance is not a bad thing, even though we have taken its truth and made it offensive in a sense. It is a thing that we all are. You are ignorant, and to act as if you are not. Well, that’s a big part of the problem. – Frizzy

If you are in the Nashville Tennessee Area. Here is a New Years Event that you don’t want to miss.

A New Years Eve Bash With The Arts

This will be an event with live music performances, art, and spoken word like you never heard it before. Get you tickets now while they last.

I Do Not Support The Tearing Down

“In Memory Of The 20,133 Who Served As United States Colored Troops In The Union Army – Dedicated In 2003”

I do not support the tearing down of any monument. Time has proven, that with the tearing down of something begins the erasing process of history. We want to assume in the living of the now that it doesn’t have an impact on our future. That in our flesh we have the ability to not allow the things to be forgotten as if memory isn’t a flaw of man. To destroy the existence of something that serves as a reflection of a time that once was, is clearly a mistake that we need to not keep making.

It is evident in our own history, that in the process of taking something over, we destroy what it once was, only to put up what it is now. Let us not keep making the same mistake. Let us not keep erasing history only for forget where we have traveled to and have been once before. History even in its ugliest time is still an important part of knowledge that we need not to allow to waste away into the land of forgotten. Forgetting is not the place of happiness. It is the place of confusion, which leaves the ability for repeating the same things that have happened over again. If not careful, we will set ourselves up for a future disaster.

I write this with the understanding of how we may feel emotionally about somethings of the past, but I encourage us to be stronger than to allow something that can’t do nothing to control you thereafter. Take its existence and let it be part of the lesson that you now need to teach. Let us not feel that history is not in the moments of now, and that education has ceased. Just like with every breath that you breathe gives you life longer. Knowledge received pushes you to places that you have never been before. Take the good with the bad in order to have the facts of life, and then travel into a realm of success that we have not achieved.

Don’t tear it down. Use it! Build from it so that we never have to face a time of forgetting how things once was.

I would like to thank Kwame Leo Lillard, Lyn Norris Hayes, African American Cultural Alliance, United Association for Black Veterans, and Creative Artists of Tennessee for creating the moment to reflect. The picture of the monument you see above is because of the actions taken by the above mentioned and others that are not mentioned to make this moment a reality. This is a moment in history that we have to look back at and say, though it was not a pretty moment, it is still something that we must never forget. Let it never be the discussion of needing to be torn down so that we never forget why it is here in the first place. To have knowledge of knowing the people that are responsible for it being here, places an understanding on its purpose and why I need to never allow it to be removed. So to every monument that stands, I leave you alone for the purpose of educating those so that we never forget, and always remember.

Watch snippet of “The Reflect”

Frizzy Productions Event Advertisement:

For Tickets to this event click the photo below or here and come out and bring in the new year with us.

A New Years Eve Bash With The Arts

For more information follow the event page on Facebook. Event Page Right Here!