History In The Making!

Often times we don’t pay attention to the things that we are doing in life. We just act and make things happen without taking to the time to acknowledge the things that we are doing. For instance, let’s take a look at this event right here.

This event came into existence on October 20, 2018 founded and curated by a lady by the name of Vicky Love. Not attempting to make history she actually did, and didn’t even realize it. Hosting the very first art crawl on the well known street in Memphis Tennessee.

It’s the Beale Street Artcrawl. An event that Vicky Love and her non-profit organization Dear Music launched wanting to do the things that she felt would boost the arts community. Not thinking about what it was that she was doing, but more so engaging in making opportunities exist for those in the arts community. What was the outcome of this decision. Well let’s just understand it to be a successful event that brought thousands out to see and enjoy the art that was lined up down the famous Beale Street.

Sometimes it takes a moment for things to sink in, especially since the intention was never to put a moment in history, but to provide a platform for the arts community. That she has done. Receiving a message before the event was over to start planning the next one. The very first Beale Street Artcrawl. A moment in history.

But she is not done yet. Take a look. Coming up on March 3, 2019 the Beale Street Artcrawl goes indoors at The Orpheum Theatre. Bringing in over 50 vendors of the arts for an indoor event that you don’t want to miss, and would you know! It is the first time that the Orpheum is taking on this type of event inside of their facility. History in the making, all over again.

“In photo Frank “Frizzy” Sykes and Vicky Love”

So come out and enjoy this amazing moment, and if you are one who loves the arts, explore what these amazing artist have to show you. If you happen to see Vicky while you are there, make sure you tell her; “You Go Girl!”

To all those that are art collectors and want to see the creations that are out here in the world go online to Ticket Master and get your tickets to the Beale Street Artcrawl at the Orpheum Theatre.

Want to see what it looks like to make those moves to making it happen? Well take a look at this live that she was just able to put up before going on air to talk about this upcoming event. This is going to be amazing! See you at the artcrawl.

Watch Vicky Love’s live by clicking here!

Let’s make history!

For more information on the Beale Street Artcrawl go to BealeStreetArtCrawl.com or search the hashtag #BSAC or #BealeStreetArtCrawl