Become A Supporter

Benefits & Cost: Are you on the list?

  • Level One $1.00 A Month Supporter – For one dollar a month, you show your support to the Poet’s Playground. In return as a THANK YOU, your name is added to the list of supporters that are on the website to let the world know how this is all made possible by the amazing people like you. (Name Colored Green)
  • Level Two $3.00 A Month Supporter – For three dollars a month, you show your support to the Poet’s Playground. In return as a THANK YOU, your name is added to the list of supporters that are on the website, and your name will be added creatively to promotional videos of events. (Name Colored Blue)
  • Level Three $5.00 A Month Supporter – For five dollars a month, you show your support to the Poet’s Playground. In return as a THANK YOU, your name is added to the list of supporters that are on the website, and your name will be added creatively to promotional videos of events as well as linked to wherever you choose it to be linked. (Name Linked Like This)

Your support is needed. Complete the next two steps to start supporting today!

1. Click the button and fill out the form completely.

2.Check your email & spam for a message from FRIZZY PRODUCTIONS.

(Please allow up to 24 hour for an email response from Frizzy. Thanks!)