Security!!!! Can I Rant For A Moment

I got to rant for a moment.
Yesterday I made a post in a group that was intentionally done by me with the understanding that I have had the opportunity to experience some, what we would consider, not normal moments in life. For example, I’ve talked to killers.
My post to this group was this; “Security!!!! Name places in Nashville that people should be scared to go after dark, and Go!”
Shortly after I posted a very intelligent person stated, that they thought my post was problematic. I attempted to correct them and because of the environment that bred them up, their response was, “I said, what I said.” Some of you are following that post and you can vouch that it happened.
So Frizzy….. why are you bringing this up today?

I’m glad you asked. Know and accept this truth as harsh as it may be. It is the ignorant minds that really think that you should not be scared to walk, roam, or be in certain places after dark. It’s not safe at times in the day, but it is a proven fact that the night helps provide cover to complete a criminal activity. Especially in this day and time where even cameras can’t provide enough visual evidence to show what needs to be seen in the dark. The number of crimes unsolved you can’t imagine because it is not smart for them to show you that side of the story. We need to at least put on the perception of safety, is the thought of those in power. I’m not sharing stuff like this to be problematic. I share my words and my thoughts to shed light on things that are kept in the dark. What you don’t know is a big problem when it comes to your safety.

*** Important Notice *** I will say this. I don’t say this to accuse her, but it’s funny how her mindset is very similar to someone who would commit a crime. After all, the criminal wants to catch you off guard, not on guard. So why would one want to convince you to not be scared. Is it possible that they know that this is where you are most vulnerable.”
Y’all better watch her. She already hit high alert on my radar. Go out with her if you want. Don’t say I didn’t tell you so if something is to happen. “I said, what I said!” LOL!
Safety Tip From Frizzy:
I don’t care where you go, or what time of day it is, take the few seconds that it takes to scan and look at whats around. You’d be surprised at what making eye contact, and speaking to a person can do. That may be all you need to save your life and theirs.

Check out some of the other things that are happening in the Nashville Tennessee area.

CHANGE by Frizzy Productions
Jazz With DADs
Colonial Mentality