Poet’s Playground “Open Mic and Show catering to Poetry and Spoken Word In Nashville Tennessee”


Poet’s Playground is a in person and virtual platform built for the lovers of an open mic and show catering to poetry and spoken word. This event gives the opportunity of networking, meeting, growing, and developing within the arts. Want to write better? Speak better? Find poets? Be around others that are deep thinkers just like you? Make sure that you come to and check out one of our events happening every Thursday at Island Vibes Restaurant and Lounge in Nashville Tennessee.

Address for Island Vibes: 1316 Antioch Pike, Nashville Tennessee

Doors Open: 7:30pm CST | Show Starts at 8:00pm | Show Ends at 9:45pm

What is it?

Poet’s Playground is both open mic and show for poets and spoken word artists and the lovers of the art. This is the opportunity for poets to get it off of their chest and to also find others like themselves that have the same purpose of impact. Here is opportunity for the poet to be paid, and featured for their growth and career if they so choose to pursue it. So whether you are being a fan of the art, poet and spoken word artist, first time writer, lyricist, or stepping up as an elite poet and playing on this playground, this is the place for you. So join us live and in person at Island Vibes to catch the vibe of Poet’s Playground.

Cost & Tickets:

This event is put on by Frizzy Productions, a for profit business entity, that allows the freedom of the artist’s words and the ability to be paid for headliners that come to grace the stage. For that reason different level events and cost exist to be a part of this event. A standard event night without a headliner cost $5 to enter and watch or play. On the night that a headliner is in the building tickets will range from $10 and up to $40. We suggest that you follow and and be on the early release of things to catch the best deals.

For more information, contact promoter “Frizzy” at: 615-624-4174

Want to catch us on the virtual platform?

Follow us on Instagram at Poets Playground or touch the following link: https://instagram.com/poets_playground_

A Night Of Love

What is this?

An Instagram Live Event that you don’t want to miss. This is “A Night of Love!” An experience like never before, all in the palm of your hand, on your computer, or TV screen.

Six poets/spoken word artists, given one topic to spit and speak on, for one hour. “LOVE”

If you have ever had a question about it, then I shouldn’t have to tell you where you need to be.

For tickets & more information, click or touch here!

FEAR Is A Good Thing!

Did you know that FEAR in it’s purest form is a good thing?

It seriously is. The skin that you are in, your vessel or body, however you would like to refer to it as, is built with natural receptors of what we call and understand to be sensory. It automatically does things by itself that you would be able to notice if you were truly in tune with self.

The key is that you have to be in tune with yourself. It warns you of unsafe things that are around you, or alerts you to be aware of things that are around, and depending on your environment it turns up certain aspects of your body to be more alert in certain situations.
Some people don’t understand this because they just play it down as a feeling of some sort. Then they don’t act appropriately when they need to. Crazily, it’s not just a thing that is in humans, but rather it is in all living energies. Animals, plants, anything that takes the understanding of the process that we call protection.
As we study it as humans, we call it our fight or flight indicators. We know when we are going to run, or when we are going to stand our ground and fight.
Now as I already stated, the key is that you are in tune with yourself for this to be something of your control, verses something that you can not control. This is where our issue lies. There are too many of us that are not in tune with ourselves, which causes the manipulation of this sensory. It is not safe for anyone when you are manipulated of your natural sensors. So instead of you having control, you become controlled. That deep control of this sensor lies within the control of your psychological thought.
Sometimes it is not smart to watch some things over and over, or to teach some things over and over, if the person being taught is not in tune with their sensory. This causes them to act in the manner that they are trained to act.
For example; a cop that is not in control of this sensory, is going to shoot you first every time. Those with full knowledge of this sensory and that are truly in tune with self, understand this. It isn’t the fear that is the bad thing, but rather the manipulation and control of the fear that causes the same action no matter what person that you put in the situation that is not in tune with self. The test have been done, but the results will never be released. Instead your ignorance to it, will leave you still in the place of control from the manipulation of your knowledge.
It isn’t just what you know that controls you, but rather it’s a mixture of both. The information that is given to you for you to know, while also withholding the information that we don’t want you to know. They are so good that they do the magic trick right in front of you. You know it exists, but you also know that there are some things that are classified.
So understand this. Fear is not a bad thing, it is just merely a thing. Just be mindful that there are many that are manipulated of their fear, while few are in tune with self.
How do you tell the difference? That’s easy. Just watch them. If their choice is to avoid the full story or keep you blind to the existence of something vital and important, or to encourage the silence of speaking on any situation, it is only to manipulate you in your thinking, while they have already been manipulated themselves. Watch out for them, for fear has controlled them in their thoughts and actions.
Now if you ever find someone that will tell you the full truth of the things that exist, while showing and teaching you things about yourself that you didn’t know, they are not trying to manipulate your fear. They are wanting you to now everything so that you can make the decision to control your sensory. The control is not in your ignorance of things, but rather it is in the knowledge of those things completely. It is only in that state that the choice is completely yours.

Don’t you want to get out tonight in Nashville. Come out to the event Jazz With DAD’s and enjoy yourself.